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York Parks and Recreation Clubs

What Is a P&R Club? 

As we work to meet the needs of our ever changing community, Clubs is a way to give our participants the ability to start a program that York Parks and Rec doesn't offer in some other form.  If you are interested in starting a club, you will need at least 10 interested members and to complete the online club application form.



Surf Picture

York Surf Club

Parks and Recreation is debuting the York Surf Club this upcoming May. We anticipate a second enrollment session in August. Initially the YSC will be meeting weekly. The YSC is open to High School aged students who live in York. New and experienced surfers are welcome to join and spread the stoke. Participation is free. Funding is available to equip ten surfers with a wetsuit, booties, gloves, surfboard and YSC sweatshirt. Surfers who already have all or some of the surf gear are encouraged to join as well. The YSC will provide additional equipment as funding allows. Each member will be required to pass a swim test and take a minimum of five free surf lessons. Lessons will take place at Long Sands Beach. Members who pass a surf test will be able to keep their equipment. Following introductory instruction YSC members will chart the future direction of the club until the next enrollment period. 

For more information and to join the club click here.


Do You Want To Start A Club?

Starting a club with York Parks and Recreation is easy.  Get 10 friends together and complete the online club application form.  Tell us about the club you want to start and we will review your application and determine if we can help.  What ways can YP&R help start a club.  Depending upon the idea, we can help with start up funding, activity space, guidance on running a successful club, and navigating the liabilities of running a recreational club. 

Recreation Club Application Form