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Community Center

Community Center Overview

The Town of York has a year-round population of roughly 14,000 and occupies approximately 55 square miles of land. In November 2022, the Town of York approved a new Comprehensive Plan.  The Comprehensive Plan serves as a usable “blueprint” for the future growth and development of the town. One of the needs identified in the plan is a Community Center feasibility study. 

A copy of the Comprehensive Plan can be found at:

In 2023 the community voted to approve $100,000 for the Town to conduct a Community Center Feasibility Study.  The Town has created an ad-hoc committee to solicit proposals for the feasibility study and work with firms to carry out the feasibility process.  This committee is made of representatives from the Selectboard, Town Managers Office, Parks and Recreation Board, Parks and Recreation Department, Public Schools, Center for Active Living, Planning Department, Youth Sports Community, Budget Committee and the Public Library.

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Progress Updates

2024 Feasibility Study

The York Parks and Recreation Department in conjunction with community partners from the Selectboard, Public Schools, Center for Active Living, Youth Sports Organizations, Parks and Recreation Board, Budget Committee, Planning Department and Public Library invite interested parties to submit a proposal to provide a feasibility study to build a community center in the town of York. 

On March 11, 2024 the Selectboard voted to direct the Parks and Recreation Department to start contract negotiations with BH+A to conduct the Community Center Feasibility Study.

BH+A Proposal

2017 Community Center Needs Assessment

In 2017 the Town hired Robert J. Barcelona, Ph. D. from the Department of Recreation Management and Policy at the University of New Hampshire to conduct a Recreation Needs Assessment and Planning Report.  

2024 Community Center Feasibility Study Survey

Feasibility Study Focus Groups Schedule

Monday, June 10, 2024

2:00 p.m. Parks and Recreation/Center for Active Living Staff - Center for Active Living

4:00 p.m. Community Center Committee - Center for Active Living

5:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. Parks and Recreation Board/Senior Advisory Board - Center for Active Living

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

3:00 p.m. Seniors - Center for Active Living

5:30 p.m. Youth and Sport Related Groups - Center for Active Living

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

3:00 p.m. School Administration

5:30 p.m. After School Programs, Yorkwise, and other Youth/Educational Programs - Center for Active Living

Upcoming Events

As part of the feasibility study, the Town will conduct community engagement meetings to help understand the communities hopes and dreams for a community center including location, facilities, programs and amenities.  These meetings will be posted on this website and advertised on social media.  Check back for more information.